Administrative Experience
Excerpt from thank you note from former graduate teaching assistant I taught and supervised at NAU.
Administrative Experience
Director of the University Writing Program, Northern Arizona University 2015- 2023
Coordinate 180-200 sections of FYC annually
Responsible for daily operations and long-term curricular planning
Supervise 50-70 instructors annually (GTAs and NTT instructors/lecturers)
Train and mentor 25-30 brand new GTAs each year
Plan and collaboratively lead multi-week orientation/GTA training
Create and collaboratively revise standard syllabi, assignments, and rubrics
Make composition placement and transfer articulation determinations
Determine enrollment patterns, staffing needs, and schedule priorities
Conduct annual faculty searches for writing instructors
Collaborate with faculty and Composition Committee to select textbooks
Work with Liberal Studies Committee, Writing Commons Director, and various stakeholders to educate teachers and help ensure quality writing instruction across campus
First Year Writing Coordinator, University of Rhode Island, 2009-2014
Assisted, guided, and supervised 20-25 TAs and instructors each year
Met with textbook representatives; evaluated textbook offerings
Designed “Syllabus Menu” to replace standard syllabi starting 2013
Revised standard syllabi for 100-level courses 2009-2012
Assistant Director of Rhetoric, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2003-2005
Planned and led week-long training orientation for 25+ TAs/instructors
Supervised and assisted five rhetoric peer advisors and 60+ TAs
Created and evaluated placement essay exams
Redesigned, reorganized, and updated the rhetoric website
Coordinator, English Articulation Conference at Allerton, 2004-2005
Chaired conference planning committee
Arranged featured speakers, entertainment, and publisher sponsorship
Evaluated proposals, formed panels, made conference schedule
Rhetoric Advisor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 2002-2003, 2005-2006
Assisted with planning and leading new-instructor orientation
Observed, mentored, and evaluated four-five advisees annually