
Cover image of the book Beyond Productivity, featuring a clown juggling colored balls; most of the image is black. and white.

Beyond Productivity, 2023


Forthcoming Work

Hensley Owens, Kim. "Distributed Feminist Rhetorical Agency after a Rape Accusation." Best of the Journals in Rhetoric and Composition 2022, Eds. Kristi Girdharry, Charles N. Lesh, and Jess Pauszek. Parlor Press. Forthcoming 2024. Reprint, competitively selected, with additional contextual and pedagogical material.

Hensley Owens, Kim. “Scholarland: Autoethnographic Ostinati in Teaching and Research.” Writing on the Edge, Forthcoming 2024. 


 Hensley Owens, Kim and Derek Van Ittersum, Eds. Beyond Productivity: Embodied, Situated, and (Un)Balanced Faculty Writing Processes. Utah State University Press, 2023.

Hensley Owens, Kim. Writing Childbirth: Women’s Rhetorical Agency in Labor and Online. Studies in Rhetorics and Feminisms series. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 2015.

Cover image of the book Writing Childbirth; top half blue, bottom half a yellow and blue sunset-over-mountains watercolor

Writing Childbirth, 2015

Journal Articles, Essays, and Book Chapters

Hensley Owens, Kim. “‘I Will Be Your Standing Stone’: Multimodal Listening on Zoom as an Ethic of Care.” Intraspection vol 6, Feb. 2024.

Hensley Owens, Kim and Cathryn Molloy. “Celebrating Unexpected Research Questions.” Rhetoric of Health and Medicine, vol. 6, no. 4, 2023, pp. 365-371.

Molloy, Cathryn, and Kim Hensley Owens. “Lingering Reverberations and/as Challenges in the Rhetoric of Health and Medicine.” Rhetoric of Health and Medicine, vol. 6, no. 3, 2023, pp. 68-75.

Hensley Owens, Kim. “When Too Much Really is Too Much: On WPAing through the COVID Years.” WPA Journal, vol. 47, no. 1, 2023: pp.  68-75.

Hensley Owens, Kim and Cathryn Molloy. “This Time is ‘Crisis Time’: A Syndemic Approach.” Rhetoric of Health and Medicine, vol. 6, no. 1, 2023: pp. 1-8.

Molloy, Cathryn and Kim Hensley Owens. “Neurotic Loops and the Limits of Awareness: Toward New Apertures for Activist-Oriented RHM work.” Rhetoric of Health and Medicine, vol. 5, no. 4, 2022: pp. 367-373.

Hensley Owens, Kim and Cathryn Molloy. “Looking for a Mind [And Body and Heart] at Work.” Rhetoric of Health and Medicine, vol. 5, no. 3, 2022: pp. 241-249.

Molloy, Cathryn and Kim Hensley Owens. “Variants and/in/of the Rhetoric of Health and Medicine.” Rhetoric of Health and Medicine, vol. 5, no. 1, 2022: pp. 1-10.

Distributed Rhetorical Agency after a Rape Accusation.” Rhetoric of Health and Medicine, vol. 3, no. 4, 2020: pp. 371-407.

Handling Sexual Assault Reports as WPA.” The Things We Carry: Strategies for Recognizing and Negotiating Emotional Labor in Writing Program Administration, Eds. Courtney Adams Wooten, Jacob Babb, Kristi Murray Costello, Kate Navickas. University of Colorado/Utah State UP, 2020: pp. 239-252.

“Writing My Body, Writing My Health: A Rhetorical Autoethnography.” Women’s Health Activism. Eds. Jamie White-Farnham, Bryna Siegel-Finer, and Cathryn Molloy. Rutgers UP,  2019: pp. 14-21.

“Your Book Has Arrived! Now What?” Explanation Points: Publishing in Rhetoric and Composition. Eds. Danielle DeVoss and John Gallagher. University of Colorado/Utah State UP,  2019. 

Two Problem-Based Assignments: Writing Health and Disability.” Assay: A Journal of Nonfiction Studies, vol. 5, no. 2. Spring 2019. 

No Más MAS: Teachers Defining Pedagogies and Themselves in a Post-Ethnic Studies Arizona.” Present Tense. 2018. 

In Lak’Ech, The Chicano Clap, and Fear: A Partial Rhetorical Autopsy of Tucson’s Now-Illegal Ethnic Studies Classes.” College English, vol. 80, no. 3, 2018: pp. 247-270. 

“University of Rhode Island’s Major in Writing & Rhetoric.” Writing Majors: 18 Program Profiles. Eds. Greg Giberson, et al. Logan, UT: Utah State University Press, 2015. 36-46. Co-authored with Libby Miles and Michael Pennell. 

“On Being Lucky.” Joy Interrupted: An Anthology on Motherhood and Loss. Ironton, MO: Fat Daddy’s Farm Press, 2013. 116-119.

Writing With(out) Pain: Computing Injuries and the Role of the Body in Writing Activity.” Co-authored with Derek Van Ittersum. Computers and Composition vol. 30, no. 4, 2013: pp. 87-100.

“Reviews and Reactions: A Rhetorical-Cultural Analysis of The Business of Being Born.Rhetoric Review vol. 30, no. 3, 2011: pp. 293-311.

“Mothers’ Ways of Making it—or Making do?: Making (Over) Academic Lives in Rhetoric and Composition with Children.” Co-authored with Christine Peters Cucciare, Deborah Morris, Lee Nickoson, and Mary Sheridan. Composition Studies vol. 39, no. 1, 2011: pp. 41-61.

“Rhetorics of E-Health and Information Age Medicine: A Risk-Benefit Analysis.” JAC vol. 31, no. 1-2, 2011: pp. 225-235. (Solicited by journal editor.)

“‘Look Ma, No Hands!’: Voice-Recognition Software, Writing, and Ancient Rhetoric.” Enculturation 7 (2010).

“Revelations and Representations: Birth Stories and Motherhood on the Internet.Textual Mothers/Maternal Texts: Mothering in Contemporary Women’s Literatures. Eds. Elizabeth Podnieks and Andrea O’Reilly. West Waterloo, Ontario: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2010. 349-364.

“Teaching the Six—and Beyond.” Pedagogy vol. 9, no. 3, 2009: pp. 389-397.

“Confronting Rhetorical Disability: A Critical Analysis of Women’s Birth Plans.”  Written Communication vol. 26, no. 3 2009: pp.  247-272.  DOI: 10.1177/0741088308329217.

Editorially Reviewed Pieces

"Preparing for and Managing the Emotional Labor of Sexual Assault Reports.The Things We Carry: Strategies for Recognizing and Negotiating Emotional Labor in Writing Program Administration, Eds. Courtney Adams Wooten, Jacob Babb, Kristi Murray Costello, Kate Navickas. University of Colorado/Utah State UP. One page. 2020, pp. 299-300. 

“Where We Are: My Mundane Professional Life.” Composition Studies vol. 47, no.1, 2019: pp. 175–180. Co-authored with various others.  

“Kim Hensley Owens Responds.” College English, vol. 80, no. 6, 2018: pp. 545-550. (Response to published comment on “In Lak’Ech” article: see above.)

“Pumping on the Market.” Inside Higher Ed. 23 August 2010.

Thinking Vertically.” Co-authored with Libby Miles, Michael Pennell, Jeremiah Dyehouse, Helen O’Grady, Nedra Reynolds, Robert A. Schwegler, and Linda Shamoon. College Composition and Communication. 59.3 (2008): 503-511.

"Featured Classroom Activity: Draw a Fish.Instructor’s Manual for Fieldworking: Reading and Writing Research. Boston: Bedford St. Martin’s, 2007. (Solicited by manual editor.)

Book Reviews

Review of Embodying the Problem, by Jenna Vinson. Peitho.  vol 21, no. 2. 2019: pp. 553-558.

Review of Rhetoric of Pregnancy, by Marika Seigel. Rhetoric Review vol. 34, no. 1, 2015: pp. 102-106.

Review of Our Bodies Ourselves and the Work of Writing, by Susan Wells. Rhetoric Society Quarterly  vol 41, no. 2, 2011: pp. 194-197. DOI: 10.1080/02773945.2011.536457

Work Under Review

Hensley Owens, Kim. “Toward a Theory of Embodied Transpersonal Agency: Singing at the Hospice Bedside.”  Journal article ms under review.

Hensley Owens, Kim and Yongzhi Miao. "“Instructor of record. No one's assistant”: Six-Word Memoirs of Graduate Teaching “Assistants.” Chapter in edited collection under review with scholarly press.