Student Feedback
Samples of feedback from students in various classes at various levels
English 562, Intro to Rhetorical and Composition Theory, Spring 2020, online intensive seminar (7.5-week seminar in progress)
From Mid-term Check-ins and emails about how the class is going:
"I love this course and your teaching is so great... Thank you so much for all you have done, your enthusiasm and positive vibes transcend to the online class. I can feel them. "
"I am glad that Dr. Kim posted the readings/modules before the class started as that helped me to keep up. I started the readings and instigators before the class started so that helped me not to be too overwhelmed. With three classes this semester, I need to be good about time management so working ahead has helped my stress level. Also, the consistency of due dates for instigators/responses/ interconnections is very helpful. I have one class where things like posts are due randomly so it is stressful in that I cannot pace myself or organize my week by what is due first since I have no idea when posts for that class will be due. "
"I appreciate the organization of the course, and I like the Canvas structure better than Blackboard. My favorite view is by module because that gives me a good sense of what my week will look like and what kind of time I have to carve out. "
"Overall, I like the course; it is very well-organized, and I think I will get everything done. "
English 601 at NAU, Teaching Practicum, Fall 2019
From Final Course Evaluations--"What I liked best about this course was: "
"The energy Kim brought to class everyday[sic], as well as my peers. It was a very open and accepting environment."
"The camaraderie and the compassion--the chance to get together and troubleshoot lessonplans, assignments, and to lean on each other's understanding."
"Self-care shares"
"I liked the weekly presentations, especially when they created practical lessons we could bring directly into the classroom. I liked the pace of the course and thought the expectations were reasonable. I liked completing the commonplace book and doing other types of seminars and discussions in class. It is helpful to have different types of assignments and teaching methods demonstrated so I can incorporate some of these ideas into my own classroom."
"All of the different activities."
English 411C at NAU, Embodied and Graphic Rhetorics Capstone, Spring 2019
"Overall, I would say I learned more about rhetoric in this class than any other rhetoric class I've taken"
"I loved the freedom in this class and the requirement to create again--I haven't used my drawing skills in any other class in college, and knowing I had to use that creativity helped me write a better paper."
Writing and Rhetoric 305 at URI, Travel Writing, Spring 2013
"I loved this class--I aspire to become a travel writer in the future and I believe this course really allowed me to understand the needed tools, better my writing, and learn the marketing tools to sell my words. I'd take it again!"
"This was my first online class, and although I find in-class courses more beneficial, I thought Kim was a very helpful and encouraging professor. She was always open to discuss any concerns of mine and the assignments were well designed to improve my travel writing skills. Great class and professor!"
"Great teacher, great course!"
Writing and Rhetoric 645 at URI, Rhetorics of Reproduction Seminar, Spring 2009
"This class was truly a pleasure to attend, and I produced work in this class that I think will be useful beyond the term. The readings list was well-designed, the topic interesting, and the methods of instruction Prof. Owens used demonstrate a high level of craft in teaching. For instance, she works hard to draw students out, but she also makes herself responsible for pointing out missteps so that students can avoid future issues in their writing or theorizing. I think very highly of both the 645 course and of Professor Owens in particular."
"I have to say this course has been life-altering. The pedagogy that Professor Hensley Owens puts forth is well thought, designed, and implemented. Each aspect of the class, assignments, discussion formats, readings has been carefully selected. We are lucky to have Professor Hensley Owens with us, to share this knowledge, to show us how we can make knowledge, be knowledge, and do knowledge. It has been a wonderful experience: thank you for the opportunity to grow, learn, and be with these ideas."
Rhetoric 105 at U Illinois, Principles of Composition Fall 2001-Fall 2004
"I feel I became a better writer because of you."
"You really know and care about what you're teaching."
"Good grading procedures. Comments help a lot."
"Strengths: Made us work hard. Knows her material. Discussions."
"It was obvious she liked teaching, which made it easier to learn.
"Class was always fun. [She] always had the attention of the class. I liked the class participation (sitting in the circle)."
"Very organized. Communicated material clearly and effectively. Assigns relevant work.